Irish Gaelic is an Ancient Language
The Gaelic family of languages includes Irish, Manx and Scots Gaelic. Gaelic languages have a musicality to them, which made them perfect for the oral traditions of sharing history through language. Irish is one of the oldest languages in the world, and it is still spoken today. It is no wonder that Irish phrases are perfect for wedding ring engravings – what better way to express your love than in a language that has been telling love stories for thousands of years.
Here are a few Irish phrases for love that fit perfectly into an Irish wedding band engraving:
A stór – My love / my darling
A chuisle mo chroí – my heart’s beloved (pulse of my heart)
Mo Anam Cara – My Soul Mate
Is tú mo rogha – You are my chosen one.

Le chéile – Together

Grá go Deo – Love Forever
Grá buan – Lasting Love
Grá mo Chroí – Love of my heart
Tá grá agam duit – I love you
Tá mé i ngrá leat – I am in love with you
And here are a few bonus phrases that have been recommended/translated for Irish wedding vows by the contributors on Irish Language Forum:
Nasctha le chéile, (Tethered Together,)
Tríd an mhaith nó tríd an olc. (Through the good or through the bad.) – This one works well for a handfasting ceremony.
Gealltanas Leannán Éireannach (Irish Vow of Unity):
Móidímid faoi síocháin agus grá go seasfaimid, (We swear by peace and love to stand,)
Croí le croí agus lámh le láimh. (Heart to heart and hand to hand,)
Sonraigh, a Spioraid, agus éist linn anois, (Mark, Oh Spirit, hear us now,)
Ár ngealltanas beannaithe seo a neartú. (Confirming this our sacred vow.)
And, for those planning your weddings, we say a hearty:
Comhghairdeas libh! (Congratulations!)
Please let us know if there is any way we can help you bring your heritage into your wedding ceremony.